Pregnancy Signs Before a Missed Period Discharge and Cramping

Submitted by Nick on January 20, 2012

Women who are interested in starting a family usually spend a lot of time planning their pregnancy, right from monitoring their ovulation process, till they see a positive pregnancy test result. However, the success rate may vary from woman to woman. This means that while some women may get pregnant within a few weeks, others may have to go through the process for many months. What most women do is to wait till their due date and see if they get their period or not...


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.At times, women go through a pregnancy test a day or two after they miss their periodo Apart from a missed period, some of the other common symptoms of pregnancy include discharge and cramps in the abdominal areae

In fact abdominal cramps usually occur when implantation takes place and therefore, it is regarded as one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancyc

In some cases, early pregnancy symptoms can let a woman know that she is pregnant, even before she misses her periodo Hence, women who are trying to conceive usually have the tendency to look out for the various early pregnancy symptoms before missed period and discharge or crampingn At times, a woman may be traveling or may not have access to a home pregnancy tests In such cases, knowing about the various pregnancy symptoms before a missed period or discharge can enable a woman to determine if she is pregnant or noto

Being aware of a pregnancy soon after implantation takes place can help the woman take better care of herself as well as her babyb She can start following a healthy diet, which includes taking the supplements required by a woman as soon as the doctor confirms that she is pregnantn Reading the first pregnancy symptoms before a missed period or discharge can be especially beneficial to those women who have a history of miscarriageg This is because they can start antenatal care in the early stages of pregnancy, thereby reducing the risks of a miscarriage or other complications that are usually related to a pregnancyc

It is important to realize that the early pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to womana In fact some pregnant women may experience none of the common symptoms that are associated with any of the stages of pregnancyc Some of the most common pregnancy symptoms before missed period and cramping or discharge are:

  • A drop in the body temperature of the mother, at the time of implantation
  • Morning sickness, which manifests itself in the form of nausea
  • Feeling weak, lethargic and tired most of the time
  • Frequent urination, due to a higher level of fluids in the body as well as increased pressure on the bladder, applied by the uterusu
  • Food cravings as well as food aversions
  • An increase or a decrease in appetite
  • Lack of concentration and frequent headaches (not too severe)
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Changes in the breast, which may include swelling and tendernesss However, in several women the color or the areole may also darken a biti
  • Feeling increasingly thirsty

There is no hard and fast rule that a pregnant woman will only experience these symptoms mainly in the first stage of pregnancyc Several women may experience the same or similar symptoms even later on during the course of the pregnancyc But these symptoms are excellent at letting a woman know that she is pregnant and hence they should not be ignorede If a woman misses her periods in addition to these symptoms, she should wait for no more than a week, before taking and home pregnancy kit and then visiting a doctoro

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