Fetal Development at Week 28 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 17, 2012

Fetal development in week 28 is rather rapid and your baby’s features are becoming more pronounced. In the 28th week of pregnancy, your baby weighs approximately two and a half pounds and measures around 14 inches in length. At this time, the weight of your baby would have doubled, than what it was four weeks ago. You will notice that your baby is moving about quite actively, however, as your baby grows more he may run out of place. The baby's brain tissue starts to wrinkle and fold as it gains in mass. The fetal development in week 28 with regards...


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.to the baby’s brain initiates various bodily functions such as breathing and regulating the bodyd The soft downy hair that is present on your baby, also known as the lanugo, also begins to disappear, but the hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes and the head starts to formr

At this point, bone marrow commences to produce red blood cells on its own with the help of the livere The tone of the muscles also starts to improve from this stage as the baby's body begins to fill up with baby fata The baby is well developed while the skin starts to appear pink and smootht Fetal development in week 28 also results in the formation of the fingernails and toenailsl The lungs also start to function and if you shine a bright light on your tummy at this stage, you will notice the baby moving away from the lighth

The 28th week is usually filled with various aches and dull pains for most womene Pregnant women at this time experience general discomfortr Some common troubles that ail pregnant mothers include a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux, varicose veins, pain caused by venous swelling inside the anal sphincter and dyspepsiai Along with the normal tests that you might be scheduled for, your doctor will also check your blood sample to screen glucose level abnormalities in the bloodo You might be asked to consume a drink high in sugara If the blood test results indicate gestational diabetes, you might have to undergo additional tests to ascertain whether you might be experiencing any pregnancy-related disordersrBeginning from week 28, some women also start to experience Braxton Hicks contractionsn These are "practice" contractions that ready your uterus and the body for labor and deliveryr The contractions in themselves are painless but could continue throughout the remainder of the pregnancyc In some women, their breasts start to secrete colostrum in small quantitiese Colostrum is also referred to as foremilk, which is a milky-kind of fluid, high in nutritional content and extremely sweet in tastet

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