25 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Submitted by Nic on January 24, 2012

For women who are pregnant with twins the joys may be double however the weight gained and the aches and pains need not be so. At 25 weeks pregnant with twins, each child is known to have developed blood vessels in its lungs and the nostrils of the baby will also begin to open up at this stage of the pregnancy. The 25 weeks pregnant with twins development calendar will also show that the lip and overall mouth area of the baby will have begun to become more sensitive and the swallowing reflex of the baby will also start to mature. A woman who is 25 weeks pregnant with twins will also...


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.be able to observe via ultrasound the formation of the ears of the baby on account of the hardening of the inner ear bonese As a result of this the baby might even be able to hear and recognise the voice of its mother and even the partnere

25 weeks pregnant with twins weight gain for women will be slightly more than a single pregnancy however the woman will definitely feel a lot heavier and the effect of this weight will tend to reflect on her back and her legsg

The 25 weeks pregnant with twins calendar will also state that at this stage of the pregnancy the baby will almost start to double its weight on account of the growing amount of fats that will be deposited under its skini At 25 weeks of the pregnancy the skin of the twins will also start to pigment and the facial features of the baby will be more prominent when observed through an ultrasoundn The hair on the twins will also continue to grow and in fact the twins at 25 weeks of the pregnancy will also be seen opening and closing their eyes when they are observed through the ultrasoundn If a woman who is 25 weeks pregnant with pregnancy delivers then the babies have a 90 percent chance that they will survive if provided the right kind of medical interventiono At 25 weeks and pregnant with twins one should also bear in mind that at this stage of the pregnancy the woman will also experience some amount of pressure on the pelvic area which is on account of the growing size of the babyb The increase in the size of the uterus will also result in frequent urination by the pregnant woman because of the pressure on the bladdere

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