Types of Mucus Discharge After Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on October 17, 2012

There is some sort of vaginal discharge which lasts for as long as six weeks after the birth of a baby. The flow is heavy and red in color initially and if the mother has been resting and gets up suddenly there could be a gush of discharge when she gets up. This discharge generally reduces and changes color as it tapers off. It is best to use sanitary napkins and avoid tampons which could cause infection.


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Yellow mucus discharge

Yellow mucus discharge after pregnancy could start out as red in color and then change to brown or yellow. This discharge could be what is called lochia and is a mixture of blood and sloughed off lining of the uterus. The discharge could last for a few weeks and becomes almost whitish towards the end.

If the discharge does not lessen after a few weeks then it is advisable to see your doctor. Each woman may have a different amount of lochia discharge and this differs from one woman to another. A lot would depend on the condition of the uterus and decidual membrane which is remaining in the uterine wall. Breast feeding has no connection with the amount of lochia that is secreted.

Thick mucus discharge

Thick mucus discharge after pregnancy is similar to the one which is there before pregnancy and this is usually there to prevent infections in the uterus and the vaginal canal during childbirth. In case of lacerations and wounds, lochia should be cleaned carefully so that the infection does not spread inwards. This means that after a bowel movement or urination one should wipe in the forward to backward motion with a clean tissue paper. The pads post delivery should be changed regularly.

Brown mucus discharge

Brown mucus discharge after pregnancy is the cervical mucus which could be blood that was left in the uterus and is being passed out now. It could also mean the onset of ovulation.  Brownish tinged cervical mucus is the result of some sort of trauma which is caused to the cervix. If the discharge continues or increases you should talk to your doctor about it as it could be an infection which is causing the discharge. However, post pregnancy there is often a discharge which occurs off and on and is really no cause for worry at all.

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