Improving Writing Skills for Kids

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 1, 2012

Poor writing skills can have an adverse effect on even the most intelligent childs academic progress. Therefore, most parents try to make sure that their kids have the age-appropriate writing skills. Unfortunately, there are several children who are not on par with their peers when it comes to writing.


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If a child is not corrected at a young age, the habit could be more difficult to break later on. Fortunately, there are several steps parents can take to help improve their kids writing skills. Younger children tend to be more receptive to learning a new skill and a little bit of help in writing can help them go a long way.

If you want your child to develop good writing skills, you need to start working with him as early as possible.

Instructions for improving writing skills for kids

There are several ways in which you can help your child enhance his writing skills and the first step is ensuring that he gets enough practice every day. Some of the guidelines to make the practice sessions easier and more effective include:

  • Reading: Familiarity with written words helps fuel creativity in writing. Allow your child to read the words and sentences, before trying to pen them down.
  • Understanding: Make sure that your child understands all the words he reads, to improve his comprehension and vocabulary. Ask your child to make a note of words that he does not understand and help him to look those words up. Encourage your child to write those words often and use them in conversation as often as possible.
  • Recognition: There are various games and activities through which you can develop your kids ability to recognize written patterns. This will help your child use the patterns more easily. For example, give your child the prefix "-tion" or a part of a word, like "-ight" and ask him to write down as many words as he can, within a fixed period of time. For best results practice this exercise twice a week.
  • Neatness: Though handwriting is losing its importance in todays education, it is very important for your child to write legibly. Encourage your child to write in a neat handwriting. Make sure that your child understands the right sizing and spacing of letters. While focusing on neatness, your child may write more slowly, which is fine. Once your child becomes accustomed to writing neatly, his speed should increase automatically.
  • Purposeful writing: Just giving your child blocks of text to re-write could be quite a boring experience. Why don't you ask your child to write stories or letters instead? You could also encourage your kid to make written diary entries. Your child will probably enjoy writing about things that interest him.

Forcing a child to practice writing is hardly going to help him improve his writing skills. In fact, your kid will probably begin to dislike writing if you push him to do so. For best results, identify and focus on the writing activities that your child enjoys. Instead of punishing your kid for not writing properly, set up a motivation and reward system.

In case your childs writing skills do not improve in spite of following the steps given above, it may be best for you to consult a professional.

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