What are pregnancy symptoms?

(July 21, 2010)

Symptoms During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, every woman has a unique experience. No two pregnancies are the same, and the symptoms that herald the coming of a baby also differ. Nevertheless, there are certain symptoms that are usually similar in the early stages of pregnancy. It is essential to understand one’s own body rhythm to get a clear picture of what happens in early weeks of pregnancy.

Some women are very well tuned to their body. From the moment of conception, some women know they are pregnant. Some take a few weeks to know and some take even longer. There are some signs that you should look out for when you’re trying to get pregnant. Firstly, there will physical and mental and physical changes that will tell you that you are pregnant before any obvious signs are seen and felt. For instance, you might feel the urge to eat more often, feel exhausted or feel tenderness in your breasts.

Food craving can be a symptom though it can also mean that you body is deficient in some nutrients. When implantation of the egg occurs, there could be cramping and mild spotting, with slight pink or brown staining.  The breasts may become tender and heavy, causing discomfort for some women. The areola - or nipple area – may become darker, sensitive and sometimes painful. It will become fuller with the veins becoming more prominent. As the body adjusts to the hormonal changes, the pain will subside. These pregnancy symptoms may be felt even before you miss a period.

The other pregnancy symptoms include frequent urination, morning sickness and nausea, vomiting, change in tastes and shortness of breath. Morning sickness, nausea and vomiting may occur in the first trimester of the pregnancy, and in some, these symptoms are totally absent. Morning sickness may occur during any part of the day or all through the day. In some these symptoms may be experienced right through the pregnancy period. There could be general tiredness and fatigue in some women.

There may be loss of appetite or there could be the desire to eat different foods that you don’t normally like. You may not be able to stand certain foods like coffee or tea in the first trimester. You will also probably dislike certain foods that you generally liked before.

As your pregnancy advances, there will be enlargement of breasts and there may be a slight yellowish secretion from the nipples in about 12 weeks.

A home pregnancy test done a few days after you have missed your period; about 40 days after the previous period, will confirm your pregnancy. After this, remember to consult your health care specialist to confirm the good news.

Submitted by P T on July 21, 2010 at 05:55

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