What to Expect in Week 12 of Pregnancy?

(July 7, 2010)

What To Expect During Week 12 Of Pregnancy

During the 11th week of a woman’s pregnancy the baby will have grown to measure nearly 2.2 inches in length and will weigh nearly half an ounce. During this stage in the pregnancy the baby will be growing rapidly. There will be plenty of changes that will be noted in the child’s growth and development. The child’s genitals will now begin to show indicating if it is a girl or a boy. In this week of growth, the baby’s brain will have also started to develop and will make the hormones required. The child will have begun to suck by this stage in the pregnancy and his or her kidneys will have also started to produce urine.

By Week 12 of Pregnancy, a woman’s uterus will have expanded and will start to grow and expand out of the pelvic region and will be growing into the woman’s abdomen area. The woman’s uterus will also start to weigh a lot more as her pregnancy keeps advancing. There will also be some skin changes for the women around this time in the pregnancy. If they are prone to freckles generally, then during this period the freckles may actually darken further. For some women, a vertical dark line will form that will run the abdomen length. This dark line is known as the linea nigra. This line will normally become more prominent during the course of the second trimester. This line will fade away a few weeks post the delivery of the child. The skin that surrounds the areolas and the nipples will also darken around now. Around this time some of the women will have begun to produce colostrums. During pregnancy it has been found that women’s skin is more sensitive to the sun and will darken easily. A lot of women will also start to experience heart burn and acidity problems. Heartburn is basically defined as a burning sensation that the women will begin to feel in her throat, chest and in her upper abdomen area. This is found to be a fairly common condition that pregnant women suffer from. This is the result of the hormone called progesterone increasing during one’s pregnancy. One can try drinking cold milk or eating papaya to help in reducing the discomfort associated with this condition. Around this week in one’s pregnancy, an ultrasound will show a fully formed picture of the child in their uterus.  

Submitted by P T on July 7, 2010 at 01:40

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