In your first pregnancy trimester, what tests do you have to do?

(January 7, 2010)

Pregnancy Trimesters - Tests During First Pregnancy Trimester
Now that you are pregnant, all that matters to you is your baby. So it is important to start early in order to have a healthy baby and also be a healthy mother throughout your pregnancy and even after that. Here are some pre-natal tests that you need to undergo to make sure that both you and your baby are safe.

Background Talk

This may seem very minor at this point of time, but it is vital to have a background talk with your gynecologist. Inform your doctor about any illnesses or family history of a particular disease that you feel may pass on to the child.

In case this is your second pregnancy, make sure you inform your doctor regarding any complications that you may have undergone. This will prompt your gynecologist to prescribe certain tests and medications.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are very important in order to detect any antibodies as well as the existence of STDs like HIV. An AIDS detection test is a must for all pregnant women.  With the help of a blood test, it is easy to perform an Rh factor detection as well. In case your blood is Rh negative and fetus’ blood is Rh positive, it can lead to an allergic effect. This can be dealt by giving proper medication at the right time.

Blood tests also help know your hemoglobin level. This indicates the level of iron in your blood which will help promote normal growth of your baby. In case you are deficient in iron levels, proper medication can help you tackle it.
With blood tests, STDs if any can be detected on time and proper treatment can be given to avoid further complications.

Urine Tests

Urine tests are done frequently during pregnancy. This helps detect the presence of protein in your urine. This indicates of a possible infection, kidney disease or preeclampsia. This test also helps in detecting the presence of sugar which indicates gestational diabetes and bacteria found in your urine indicates a bacterial infection.


The first screening is done when you complete around 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. The second is done when you complete 14 weeks of pregnancy and the last is done when you complete around 30 weeks of pregnancy. The first screening helps in finding out the development of your baby, the second helps in detecting conditions like Down’s syndrome, and the third one helps in knowing the full development of your baby.

Regular Weight and Blood pressure check. It is very important to keep a tab on your weight and blood pressure. The weight gain indicates your baby’s growth and blood pressure will help you keep your diet under control. So make it a point to get both these aspects checked every time you meet your gynecologist.

In addition, you need to follow a healthy diet and exercise moderately to keep yourself fit and to ensure a happy delivery.

Submitted by P T on January 7, 2010 at 09:25

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