Baby at 9th Week of Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

The baby at 9 weeks pregnant is roughly about 2.3 cms in terms of the length and will weigh less than an ounce as of now. The size of baby at 9 weeks pregnant will start increasing rapidly from this stage of the pregnancy and in fact there will also be significant development in the brain and the organ formation of the baby. Those who want to know how big is the baby at 9 weeks pregnant should bear in mind that the baby at 9 weeks pregnant will start growing in terms of the length of the hands and kegs and will also start gaining weight. It thus becomes very important for the woman to ensure that she is on a healthy and...


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.balanced diet as the mother is the sole source of nutrition for the baby throughout the pregnancyc One should ensure that they consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and calcium rich products along with foods that are rich in protein as protein is one of the building blocks of the development of the muscles and the skeletal structure of the babyb

The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have ankles and wrists that are more developed as compared to the earlier stages of the pregnancyc The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have fingers and toes that can be clearly seen through an ultrasound however these fingers and toes will be webbed and will become individual digits as the pregnancy progressese The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also have longer arms and will have developed elbows which will allow the arms to bendn While being pregnant with a baby at 9 weeks the uterus of the woman will begin to enlargeg The woman will also notice that the skin tends to become slightly plumper and smoother and in some cases the women will also have sensitive scene which may result in her developing acnen While pregnant with a baby at 9 weeks, some women are also known to experience some amount of vaginal discharge which is normal but should be checked by the doctor just in cases The baby at 9 weeks pregnant will also show remarkable development in terms of the heart and the braini The brain will have developed nerve branches which will lay the foundation of the development of the communication network of the babyb The heart of the baby will have developed four distinct chambersr

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