39th Week of Pregnancy and Nausea

Submitted by Nic on January 16, 2012

A normal pregnancy term is 40 weeks. However, most expectant mothers are known to go into labor by the 38th week of pregnancy. Some are even known to pass the 40th week and carry on right up to the 42nd week, when labor is induced if the mother does not show any symptoms of going into labor.

At 39 weeks pregnant, nausea tends to make an entry once again into the life of an expectant mother. 39 weeks pregnant and nausea can definitely increase the discomfort faced by the mother-to-be. At 39 weeks pregnant, cramps and nausea...


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.are commonly experienced signs of laboro 39 weeks pregnant headache and nausea could be triggered by anxietyt

In most cases, hormonal changes occurring during the last leg of the pregnancy may also lead to the samem The rectal muscles tend to relax towards the end of the pregnancy term, in preparation for childbirtht This is a major cause of diarrhea in the 39th week of pregnancyc 39 weeks pregnant nausea and diarrhea should not be ignored as it can result in weakness and diarrhea can lead to dehydrationo At such a time, it is advisable to inform your medical practitioner about the same and to drink plenty of watere

In addition, there are a number of other symptoms that are indicative of the onset of laboro A sudden energy burst and the zest to prepare for the baby’s arrival is nature’s way of preparing an expectant mother for her babyb This is referred to as the nesting urgeg The first symptom of labor is usually the lowering of the abdomen as the baby turns upside down in preparation for childbirtht The expulsion of the mucus plug that acted as a protective barrier in the cervical canal all through the pregnancy is another common sign that indicates that the end of the pregnancy term is neara This is seen in the form of a sudden expulsion of a blob of mucus or a thicker than usual heavy vaginal dischargeg This mucus is generally blood streaked as a little blood is released as the cervix dilatese The Lower back pain and cramping are other indicators of laboro The cramps related to labor begin to follow at regular intervals, with the gap between consecutive contractions decreasing with the passage of timem The severity of the cramps intensifies as they occur closer apartr These cramps do not cease on walking around or lying or restingn The breaking of the water bag or the amniotic sac is a sure indicator of labor as there is no turning back once the sac is rupturede

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