3 Weeks Pregnancy Ultrasound

Submitted by Nic on January 18, 2012

Third week of your pregnancy is actually the week on fertilization and conception. It is not always possible to diagnose a pregnancy this early. Pregnancy dates are usually calculated from the first day of your last period or menstrual cycle. At 3 weeks, home pregnancy tests are never completely accurate. Three weeks pregnancy scans, ultrasounds and 3D scans are only done in the case of some medical emergency. These scans are common in the first month of the pregnancy and are often recommended only around the 12th week.


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If by the 6th week of missing your period, you have still to take a pregnancy test then the doctor might order an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy. These scans are done in a slightly different manner as compared to the scans done throughout the pregnancy. A transvaginal ultrasound is done to confirm pregnancy in the early stages.

It is recommended after the 6th week of gestation.

There are even sensitive home pregnancy tests that are available in the market today that can test for pregnancies even in week 3. Home pregnancy tests are not always reliable. But the best diagnosis is at the doctor’s who will do a blood test to confirm it. Some women have physical symptoms after they’ve conceived but as these do not occur in every woman, they cannot always be trusted.

Sometimes testing the pregnancy at home can show lower levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or the pregnancy hormone. This is usually attributed to early testing of pregnancies. But lower levels can also indicate higher chances to miscarry or even ectopic pregnancies where the embryo plants itself outside the uterus.

Early 3 weeks pregnant symptoms include swollen tender breasts, frequent urination, a constant feeling of being tired and fatigued; a heightened sense of smell, nausea and bleeding. Once the embryo implants itself on the uterine wall, you might see some spotting, which can occur in week 3. As the embryo is implanted, it begins the growing process by first splitting into two and further multiplying of cells.

The placenta forms by the end of week 3 which is the primary source for nourishment for the baby till the end of the pregnancy. Once your pregnancy is confirmed you need to ensure that you eat correct and wholesome food, including an increased intake of folic acid. Your doctor could prescribe pills for folic acid but you could also consume the same naturally, through spinach, peanuts and black-eyed peas.

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