Identical Twin Pregnancy Week By Week

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

A twin pregnancy can be exciting for any mother-to-be. But twin pregnancies can also be challenging as the symptoms may be twice as much in intensity. Monoamniotic twin or identical twin pregnancies can be even more stressful as special care and constant monitoring is necessary. Here is some important information about an identical twin pregnancy week by week. Firstly, let us understand what monoamniotic twins are. These are identical twins which have the same amniotic sac. They have separate umbilical cords through which they each receive nourishment, but they share the same placenta.


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Monoamniotic twin pregnancies are rare. Even rarer are monoamniotic triplets. Since both the umbilical cords are so close to each other, there may be a risk for health problems.

A major complication could arise if the twins get entangled in the cords. One of the cords could also get compressed, thereby hampering the supply of food and oxygen. Monoamniotic twins are known to have a survival rate of about 50 percent. It is uncertain as to why identical twins form. They develop from one fertilized egg which splits apart. This split occurs some time after fertilization and before development of the amniotic sacs. Identical twin baby development week by week will mimic the development of a single baby in many ways. But due to the fact that there are two babies growing at the same time, there are some important differences which occur especially in the later months.

In the early weeks, it is possible that the mother may be unaware that she has twins growing inside her womb. This can only be confirmed by an ultrasound. Between weeks 8 to 12 which mark the end of the embryonic stage, the twins progress rapidly towards development. They grow in height and weight and the nail beds and teeth buds also form.

The eyelids, fingers, toes and genitalia are also visible. Some of the common symptoms of a twin pregnancy include faster weight gain, larger uterus size, increased morning sickness and early fetal movement. As the identical twin fetus develop week by week, it is important for the mother to maintain good nutrition as low birth weight may occur with multiple births. Extra medical care and attention is also necessary and the mother needs to get adequate rest as the body will be experiencing twice the amount of exertion. Weight gain will also need to be properly monitored as excess weight gain may occur.

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