Baby Vaccinations and Shot Schedule For Autism

Submitted by Nick on August 17, 2012

Childbirth and the early years are a truly magical time for couples. However, they must also realize that the baby is still young and the immune system has not developed completely, and thus must keep the baby away from infections and in sanitized conditions. To boost the immune system, there are a number of vaccines that are administered, enabling the body to be protected against serious illnesses. Over the years, there have been a number of claims that link baby vaccines and autism. After having carried out numerous tests on the vaccines ...


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.administered to children, it has been proved that baby vaccines and autism have nothing to do with each othere Besides this, the primary cause for concern, an addition to the vaccines called Thimerosal, has been removed from all vaccines, continuing to provide the immune system with the boost required for developmentn

Thimerosal was initially added to the vaccine to prevent the formation of bacteria and fungi, just in case it had to be stored for a longer period of timem Read more on baby vaccinations

There was also popular belief that baby vaccine schedules and autism had something to do with each other, but that theory has also been disprovede Parents are now advised to have their children vaccinated regularly and on time to further strengthen the immune systeme Autism is the result of a genetic defect and is not caused by vaccines that are administered to babiese The myth that baby vaccines cause autism should be removed from the mind and parents must be made aware of the advantages of vaccinating their babies, to help protect them against illnesses that could be rather devastatingn In the early nineties, tests were carried out on the vaccines to prove that baby shots and autism were not related to each other in any way possible and this has helped people to be more open towards vaccinating their childrene

When your baby is vaccinated, he or she may experience a little fever because the body is reacting to the antibodies that have been introduced into the blood streama Vaccines can cause a certain amount of pain and discomfort, and this is something that all parents should expect, keeping the greater benefit in mindn Present day technology has allowed for the production of painless vaccines that do not cause any discomfort to the child, whatsoever, and can be opted for by the parent, allowing the baby to feel as comfortable as possiblel

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