What Are Implantation Symptoms

(December 21, 2010)

Implantation refers to the process in which a fertilized egg attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. Every month, an egg is released by the ovaries, into the fallopian tubes, where it can get fertilized by the sperm. Once that happens, the fertilized egg travels to the uterus, where it attaches or “implants” itself into the uterus. When this occurs it is not uncommon for the woman to experience implantation cramping or even implantation pain. In fact, these two signs are regarded as a few of the common implantation symptoms, which can let a woman known that she is pregnant, even before she misses her period on the due date. Therefore, it is common for women, who are trying to get pregnant, to look out for the various implantation signs, to know if they could be pregnant even before they take a pregnancy test.

Common implantation symptoms

There are several signs and symptoms that have been associated with the implantation process. Some of the most common implantation symptoms are:

Bleeding and spotting

A very common occurrence known as implantation bleeding occurs in about 30% of all pregnancies. Although it is referred to as bleeding, the discharge is pinkish or brownish in color and is usually only noticed when women use the bathroom. In case a fertilized egg burrows into the lining of the uterus, it is more common to see spotting, instead of bleeding.

Cramping and pain

Stomach cramps or pain in the abdominal region are both very commonly seen after implantation. However, most women tend to confuse implantation cramps and pain, with the symptoms of the menstrual cycle.

Basal body temperature

Basal body temperature refers to the resting body temperature in a woman, which is taken even before she gets out of bed. Women who have been keeping a track of their body temperatures, because of ovulation, may notice a change, after implantation. However, it is necessary to use a Basal Body Thermometer, to track the slight changes in temperature.

Several women take a pregnancy test, using home kits, as soon as any of the implantation symptoms are evident. However, if these tests are taken too soon, there is a possibility that the test results are negative, even though she is pregnant. Therefore, if the implantation symptoms continue after the period due date, it is best to either take another pregnancy test or check with a doctor and undergo a proper pregnancy checkup.

Submitted by N on December 21, 2010 at 12:23

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