Fetal Development at Week 7 of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 16, 2012

The 7th week of pregnancy marks the beginning of the growth spurts in the baby. As a mother, at this stage of fetal development you might be battling morning sickness and various aches and pains. Fetal development in week 7 will mean that your baby will now be as small as a bean, measuring about half an inch but now he/she will begin to grow at a fast pace. In the first few weeks of your pregnancy, as life starts growing in you, the organs in the baby’s body like the heart and brain have started to form but by the 7th week they start to take on a more specific shape. Organs like the appendix and pancreas start...


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.to develop so that slowly the body will be able to start producing insulin to help to digest food slowlyl One organ that has started to function at a rapid rate by this time is the liver as it is solely responsible in producing red blood cells till the time that the bone marrow would be completely formed and takes over this rolel

As the baby’s body has just begun forming, his arms and legs might just look like tiny stumps at this time but in the weeks ahead they will start to take shapep The elbows, knees and ankles are just tiny buds at first and then they being to formr

The fingers and toes look more like the webbed feet of the duck but in the coming weeks the fingers and toes will gradually separate and toenails would start to growo Apart from this, the fetal development in week 7 also means that facial features of your baby will become more definede Though at this point, the head maybe larger than the rest of his/her body, it will soon grow to correct proportionsn The baby’s eyes remain closed till later on in the pregnancy, but the eyelids being to take shape in week 7 The ears too slowly begin to form, especially the inner ear, so that as your baby begins to move in the next weeks he will be able to balancec

Your baby’s skin will be very thin and translucent and the veins will be clearly visiblel Until now the baby was being formed very slowly but the fetal development from week 7 onwards is rapid and you will slowly be able to feel your child inside youo Make sure that you follow a healthy pregnancy diet during this time to ensure that your child receives the necessary nutrients for fetal developmentn

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