All You Need to Know about Fetal Development at Week 24

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 16, 2012

A pregnancy is one of the most intriguing miracles in life. Every week is filled with wonderful new developments as the unborn baby quickly crosses one milestone after another. At 24 weeks, an expectant mother moves into her sixth month of pregnancy and is now in a relatively safe zone as the baby has the ability to survive in case of premature labor. However, a tremendous amount of medical assistance and precaution would be needed as the baby would be very weak and prone to infection. Serious medical complications may also be inevitable. At 24 weeks...


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Week By Week Fetal Development

.of gestation, the little baby has already crossed the formative stage and is now rapidly developing and putting on weighth At 24 weeks, the baby weighs close to a pound and a quarter and is almost a foot in heighth

Maximum weight gain takes place in the latter half of the pregnancy term owing to the development of muscle, organs and bone masss The baby will continue to put on weight for the next three months and the baby looks increasingly like a newbornr The taste buds begin to develop and the baby can now taste what the mother consumese With increased brain development and muscle coordination, the baby also responds to different tastes through facial expressionsn The palm gradually begins to develop creasese With improved muscle coordination the baby begins to kick a lot more and becomes very activev In addition, the baby turns from side to sided Some movements also resemble a somersaultl The movements are more prominent at this stage than earlier as the baby has now filled the uterusu The sucking of the thumb also becomes more obviousu The eyelids and eyebrows are clearly visible in sonogramsm The pigment responsible for giving the skin its natural color is also formingn

The lungs begin to develop furthere Surfactant is produced in the baby’s bodyd Surfactant is essential as it assists in the inflation of the air sacs in the lungs and prevents them from collapsingn The little baby begins to breathe in amniotic fluidi With fetal development at week 24, the baby’s body is covered with fine hair called lanugo hairi A thin whitish layer of a fatty substance also covers the baby so as to protect it from the ill effects of being constantly immersed in amniotic fluidi This layer also assists in passage through the birth canal at the time of deliveryr

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