Allergies During Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 31, 2012

During pregnancy, women tend to avoid taking medication unless absolutely essential. This is because most medications, unless prescribed keeping the pregnancy in mind, tend to be harmful to the baby. However pregnancy allergies typically compel women to take some sort of medications as the symptoms at times may get unbearable. To make it easier for pregnant women to distinguish between safe and unsafe medication during pregnancy, the Food and Drug Administration has classified them into Category "A" which covers medicines that are relatively safe to be consumed during pregnancy.


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However categories B, C and D may or may not be harmful to the baby and hence should be avoided. The most dangerous medications during pregnancy are Category "X" medicines which are known to result in birth defects. Allergy shots and pregnancy may go hand in hand if the treatment has started before pregnancy as it is not safe to start allergy shots while pregnant.

In fact even if the treatment was on before pregnancy, most doctors will reduce the shot dose to almost 50 % during pregnancy. Allergies during pregnancy should not be treated with self medication or even with over the counter drugs that were used before the pregnancy. Only drugs prescribed by a medical practitioner should be consumed when pregnant.

One of the methods to prevent allergies during pregnancy is to try and avoid any known allergens as far as possible. This can be done by keeping the living space clean as frequently as possible. A nutrient rich diet and moderate amount of exercise also play an important role in keeping the mother and baby healthy and free from allergies. Rather than medication nasal congestion arising out of allergies may be addressed by chewing on some mint or menthol candies which will not harm the baby. Similarly a saline rinse or a non steroid saline nasal mist can also help keep sinus congestion under control during pregnancy. Similarly most pregnant women have found that elevating the head while sleeping by using an extra pillow also helps with sinus congestion. Additionally for those pregnant women who experience a lot of pain and pressure on account of allergies, using a humidifier at night tends to be helpful as its increases the moisture levels in the air. Most doctors recommend that pregnant women should ideally avoid using any kind of allergy medication during the first trimester, whereas they may be used with proper medical supervision during the second and third trimester.

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