Creative Invitations for Toddler's Birthday Party

Submitted by Jenifer on April 24, 2013

Toddlers' birthdays tend to be a big event, especially early on in their lives. Parties for toddlers often need themes and it's their invitations that help create the excitement for the party. The invites also convey the theme of the party, adding to the buzz before the party.


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While being creative with invitations for your toddler's birthday, you need to keep some things in mind like keeping the invites gender neutral. Some of the popular toddler birthday invitations are invitations that are usually made by hand or made at home.

  • Invitations in the shape of farm animals are very common.

    Use colourful chart paper to cut out invitations in the shape of pigs, sheep, ducks, or even a barn complete with a tractor and yard drawn on it. You can also use stencils that can help cut invites in the shapes of animals. Instead of a farm, you could also do a safari themed party with an appropriate costume and invite.
  • Teddy bears are often used to 'carry' the invitation. You can get reasonably priced bears that can be used with small cards. The soft toy can then serve as memorabilia after the party.
  • Water-themed toddler parties are usually a big hit so you can create special invites for these parties. You can use origami ducks or plastic ducks with invitations written on plastic sheets or adhesive tape.
  • You can scan or make multiple prints of a particularly nice drawing made by your toddler and send that out as an invite. You can even try printing or using a photograph of your toddler on a suitable or fancy background as the invite as well.
  • The internet also has many templates which can be readily printed out and sent out as customised invites.
  • If your toddlers are not very young, then you can use the theme of a treasure hunt as a party invite for your child. The invite could be a token treasure like something shiny made from gold foil and cardboard, with instructions on how to get to the party venue.

In keeping with shape and theme of the invite, write out the words accordingly. State the time and place correctly along with the contact details to confirm their attendance. These instructions should be clear so that the parents of the children know the date and the time along with the venue for the party correctly.

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