Spotting at 11 Weeks Pregnant

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on October 19, 2012

Pregnancy is a nine month long period during which a fertilized egg grows into a new born infant, ready to be delivered. During this time, a number of different changes occur in the woman's body. The 11th week of pregnancy is classified as the end period of the first trimester. The first trimester can be a rather difficult period as the woman adjusts to a lot of emotional and physical changes brought on by various hormonal changes that cause issues like morning sickness and general mood swings.


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However, as a woman gets to the end of this trimester, her body tends to settle into the rhythm of pregnancy. The second trimester is therefore the least stressful to the woman.

Spotting is an issue that tends to affect women who are pregnant.

This is a condition where small spots of blood may stain a woman's undergarments. This occurs because of minor cuts or tears that take place within the woman's reproductive tract. Spotting when 11 weeks pregnant is a situation that does not warrant stress or tension. The mother may experience light spotting when she is 11 weeks pregnant along with light cramping at this stage. As long as this is a random occurrence and the pain is barely noticeable, there is no real cause for concern. There may, however, be a serious problem if the woman experience moderate to heavy bleeding at this stage. This could be indicative of a rupture which means that this is an emergency medical condition. The woman will most likely also experience moderate to heavy cramping at this stage. When these problems occur, it is important to visit an emergency room immediately.

Brown spotting at 11 weeks pregnant indicates that the blood being passed is not fresh and has been present in the tract for more than a day. Pink spotting at 11 weeks pregnant indicates fresh blood that has recently been released from a new tear or cut. It is important to understand that these tears and cuts occur as a result of the woman's reproductive system literally being stretched by the developing fetus. As the uterus grows, nearby tissues may get stretched and pushed in order to accommodate the growing fetus. Thus, the woman has no reason to be alarmed if she is experiencing mild spotting at 11 weeks pregnant. Women who are worried about this can go in for a routine checkup with their doctors.

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