Brown Spotting During and After Miscarriage

Submitted by Nic on January 17, 2012

Pregnancy is a time of extreme joy for the parents-to-be. As such, a miscarriage can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences of a woman's life. The woman not only goes through a lot of physical discomfort but also through a significant amount of emotional trauma because of this experience. Some of the physical discomforts experienced during and after miscarriage include severe abdominal pain, cramps and bleeding. Dark spotting is another common symptom of a miscarriage. In several instances women also experience brown spotting after miscarriage.


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Brown spotting during miscarriage

Many women are aware of the fact that brown spotting during early pregnancy could occur. This could be indicative of leftover blood or an infection. However, under no circumstances should the spotting be ignored, as it could be an indication of a miscarriage too.

Brown spotting or bleeding can be seen in case of a molar pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy too. In most instances brown spotting during miscarriage is also accompanied by other symptoms such as bleeding, abdominal pain and uterine contractions. It is absolutely essential to seek medical attention in case brown spotting is seen at any point of the pregnancy.

Brown spotting after miscarriage

A woman's body goes through a lot of trauma in case of a miscarriage. As a result of this physical trauma, brown spotting after miscarriage too is quite common. Many women have internal bleeding after a miscarriage, which could be the main cause of the brown blood after miscarriage. As time passes, the internal tissues begin to repair and rejuvenate themselves and the old, damaged tissues are eliminated, along with the blood that may be due to the injuries in the uterus. This brown spotting after miscarriage also helps to remove blood clots from the vaginal tract.

Hence, it is not uncommon to see brown spotting for 2 weeks after miscarriage. The bleeding or spotting usually stops when all the blood is eliminated from the body. In case the spotting is accompanied by severe pain or if a woman sees brown spotting for 3 weeks after miscarriage, it is absolutely essential for women to consult their doctors, without any delay. There are several help forums and support groups that have been set up, especially for women who have been through a miscarriage. Women, who have been through a miscarriage can easily avail of the services rendered by these groups and obtain information on any of the symptoms they are experiencing during and after a miscarriage.

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