Tackling Fears in Preschoolers

Just like adults, children also have their own phobias and fears. In fact, fears in preschoolers are much stronger as compared to adults. Anxiety is a natural condition that helps us cope with our new experiences and protects us from danger.

Preschooler fears include fear of specific things like insects, bugs, the dark, or clowns.

Some other preschooler fears include meeting new people or facing new situations that they are put in. Preschoolers are highly imaginative, and this makes them worry and afraid of anything that may be new. They worry about make-believe creatures, death, disaster, and pain.


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In fact, being hurt is very strong phobia that almost every preschooler has. Most of these fears fade over a period of time as they get used to the new environment and they tend to become more secure.

Tackling Preschooler Fears

First and foremost, learn to acknowledge your child's fears. Your child's fears may sound silly and irrational, but you need to understand that these fears are serious and matter to your child. When your child expresses his/her fears, try not to smile. Instead, make your child realize that you understand how it feels like to be scared or threatened about something. Reassure and comfort your child by talking with him/her. Talking is the best way to deal with fears in preschoolers.

Try to convince your child that there is nothing to be scared of.

For example, if your child is scared of a dog instead of telling him/her that the dog will not bite, tell him/her that you understand his/her fear and that you both can walk past the dog without it harming you.

If your child's fears are due to sibling rivalry or some angry feelings or anxiety over a new situation, let your child express his/her feelings through pretend play. Address this by providing your child with love objects or objects that he/she is attached to. Provide rational explanation for your child's better understanding.

Make sure you do not share your fears with your child. This will add to the child's fears instead of solving them. If you are scared of going to a dentist and you have to take your child for a dental check-up, never reveal that you are scared of dental procedures. Instead, you can tell your child that as a child you were scared of a dentist, but you used to go to one to keep your teeth healthy. A little bit of tackling and talking will help you address all the fears in preschoolers in an effective way.

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