What Are The Reasons Of Postpartum Urinary Incontinence & How To Treat Them

Causes for Postpartum Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence could be due to stress as there is essentially less strength in the pelvic floor muscles and urine is lost even while coughing, laughing, sneezing, or engaging in any strenuous activity. These movements increase the intra-abdominal pressure, thereby increasing pressure on the bladder.

In new moms, the problem gets bad as the pelvic floor muscles,.



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.ligaments, and nerves are weakened due to overstretching and injury during pregnancy and childbirtht At the same time, as the uterus returns to its normal shape, it contracts and presses the bladder, resulting in loss of urinen Hormonal changes can also affect the bladdere

Most women experience postpartum urinary incontinence soon after giving birth or even during pregnancyc It is more common among women who undergo vaginal delivery, but it also affects women who have had C-sectiono It may persist for some months or stop completely in few weeksk

Remedies for Urinary Incontinence Postpartum Depression

There are simple ways that will help you fight incontinencec You can go to the bathroom more often to prevent your bladder from getting too fulll Urinate at shorter periods to avoid incontinence, and then slowly extend the time gapsp Bladder training by keeping a chart and muscle conditioning will let you know when you need to empty your bladder and prevent incontinencec

Use sanitary pads to protect your clothes from leakage of urinen Sit cross legged and tighten your pelvic muscles when you feel like sneezing or coughingn You can start losing weight consistently and sensibly, as the extra weight can put pressure on the bladdere Weight loss will help in the reduction of incontinence episodese Exercise your pelvic floor muscles to help fight incontinencec Do about 30 Kegel exercises every daya Avoid constipation by following an appropriate diet plan as constipation can also put pressure on the bladdere

Suffering from urinary incontinence does not mean drinking less water, you need to drink about 8-10 glasses of water to prevent dehydration and urinary tract infectionsn In case of pain during urination, consult your caregiver as UTI can also cause incontinencec

Avoid having caffeine, alcohol, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and soft drinks as they irritate the bladder and make it difficult to control urine leakage

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