Recommended Breastfeeding Positions During Postpartum

With an infant, a parent is thrust into a whole new world with vastly different experiences that can sometimes overwhelm the individual. Parents, especially mothers, tend to be filled with all kinds of questions and experience a sense of wonder and awe when dealing with a new baby. What most people tend to forget is that a new child also comes along with numerous responsibilities and an overload of work.

This should not discourage you since every new mother goes through a similar experience. A lot of mothers have questions on postpartum breastfeeding.


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The governmental authorities have constantly advocated breast milk over the other kinds of milk available for babies. This is because breast milk truly does have some very potent benefits over these other kinds.

Recommended Positions During Postpartum Breastfeeding

You will find various recommended positions such as the football hold which allow you to breastfeed comfortably. In this position you are essentially cradling the head with a pillow under your elbow which in turn is meant to support the infant's bottom. In this case the rest of your little one's body goes under the breast and is positioned towards your elbow. This leaves you with a hand free to then support your breast. It might benefit your case to observe another mother and baby or to practice with them. Postpartum weight loss via breastfeeding is a possibility but do remember that it will probably take time for you to lose such weight and you have to consider exercise and diet.

The problem is that postpartum depression and breastfeeding are often linked. New mothers may feel ashamed or depressed if they feel that breastfeeding does not come naturally. It could be that the baby does not seem to take to breastfeeding and thus postpartum depression and breastfeeding coincide. It is only natural to feel overwhelmed and like you do not know the first thing about breastfeeding, let alone raising a child. While it is normal to feel postpartum depression after breastfeeding you should not let such feeling get the better of you.

A quick look online will tell you that many woman have trouble breastfeeding their little ones. You have to remind yourself that not knowing how to do so does not in any way reflect on you as a mother. There are many other reasons why a woman could succumb to postpartum depression but the important thing is the first step of openly asking for help.

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