Infertility Tests for Women

Female infertility tests are required to make an accurate infertility diagnosis. These tests help to determine the exact cause of the problem and so your doctor may use it to determine your treatment course. A blood test and an endometrial biopsy are the most basic female infertility tests to test the woman’s hormonal levels and to check the uterine lining.

Other tests could include a laparoscopy and Hysterosalpingograhpy (HSG). The assessment of whether a woman is ovulating properly is generally carried out through an utrasonography or by checking the basal body temperature.


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Home Fertility Tests

Cervical Mucus Tests

Cervical mucus tests allow the fertility expert to check the kind of mucus the woman is producing. You will need to go in for this test after sexual intercourse to determine if sperms are present in the mucus and if they are mobile.

Ultrasound Tests

Ultrasound tests are carried out as a part of infertility tests to check the pelvic organs of a woman. Such tests can include either a transvaginal ultrasound or a hysterosonogram. The latter checks the lining of the uterus while the former helps to see the external reproductive system of the woman.

Hormone Tests

Hormone tests that are carried out for infertility include tests for LH (luteinizing hormone), progesterone, as well as prolactin. Hormone tests are usually carried out on the 21st day of a woman’s menstrual cycle to check if ovulation has occurred and to determine if there are any other problems.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

A Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an infertility test that checks the uterus and the fallopian tubes.

It can help determine whether the fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged. It can also check whether there are any problems with the uterus such as an abnormal shaped uterus, or growths.


A hysteroscopy is a test that enables the doctor to examine the lining of the uterus. This is possible with the use of a hysteroscope which is inserted through the vagina and then moved through the cervix into the woman’s uterus.


Laparoscopy helps the doctor to check the outsides of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes for any growths. A laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen after making a small incision near the naval.

Endometrial Biopsy

During an endometrial biopsy the doctor takes a small sample of tissue from the uterine lining. This sample is then checked to see whether the lining of the uterus is strong enough to carry a pregnancy through to term.

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