Infertility Treatment

The term infertility is used when a couple has been unsuccessful in repeated attempts to conceive a child in spite of unprotected lovemaking for a year or so. There are a number of factors that contribute to infertility. At the outset, it must be understood that infertility does not affect a woman alone; a man can also face the problem of infertility.

The treatment for the same would depend upon the cause of the problem. Hence, it is essential to know the causes that could lead to infertility. In the case of men and women, infertility could be caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, trauma to the reproductive organs or certain medication or illnesses and an unhealthy lifestyle.


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Secondary infertility

Many women, who find it difficult to conceive, face the problem of irregular menstruation, irregularities in their ovulatory cycle or have poor egg quality and these factors are bound to affect their ability to conceive. Structural abnormalities related to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus or cervix or a disease affecting these organs can also hamper fertility levels. In men, infertility is mainly attributed to poor sperm quality, poor sperm motility or inadequate sperm count.

Male Infertility Treatment

In the case of male infertility, doctors primarily recommend a semen analysis as it can provide a clear picture of sperm quality and sperm count. If a problem is observed, relevant medication as well as diet may be recommended to enhance sperm quality and boost sperm count. In case hormonal imbalances are found through blood tests, medication may be prescribed to regulate the hormone levels in the body. Corrective surgery may be performed in case a blockage is observed in the sperm ducts or any other treatable irregularities are seen in the reproductive organs. If a man suffers from low sex drive or erectile dysfunction, suitable treatment would be recommended.

Hence, we see that infertility treatment is directly linked with the cause of the infertility.

Read more about Male Infertility Treatment

Female Infertility Treatment

In order to ensure that a woman is infertile, doctors first recommend dates for intercourse based on the ovulatory cycle of the woman. This helps to ensure that the fertile window period, which is the only phase of the month during which a woman is fertile, is not missed. If this does not help, blood tests are performed to check for hormonal imbalances or infections. Appropriate medication is then prescribed. Surgery may be performed if any abnormalities are observed in any of the reproductive organs, thereby affecting fertility. If no obvious cause for infertility is identified, techniques such as intrauterine insemination and in vitro-fertilization may be used to maximize a woman’s chances of getting pregnant.

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