What are the Pains and its Remedies of 22 Weeks Pregnant Belly?

Submitted by Nic on August 17, 2012

When you are 22 weeks pregnant, your belly size will be rather large and this is something you should be proud of. Most expectant mother begin to feel a little embarrassed when their stomach begins to show, but they should be proud of the fact that they are in fact, giving life to an human being. A 22 weeks pregnant belly, twins being conceived, may cause you to look larger than normal and it may be difficult for you to cope with the rapid changes being experienced by your body.


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Patience and understanding on the part of your family and loved ones will play a major part in helping you to overcome any embarrassment that you are experiencing because of your growing size.

When you are 22 weeks pregnant, belly pain could be indicative of the fact that your baby is now getting ready to turn, and in the next few weeks, will be assuming the delivery position, with the head positioned downward. However, if this pain is symptomatic of frequent instances of contractions, you need to monitor them carefully and inform your doctor about the same.

Similarly, if these pains are accompanied with vaginal bleeding or discharge of amniotic fluid, there is cause for concern and your doctor should be notified without any further delay. One of the most important things that expectant mothers should remember is that they should not panic. Panic will further worsen the condition and must be avoided at all costs.

Though your 22 weeks pregnant belly size may look as though you are ready to deliver, you are far from ready and there is a lot more development that needs to take place before your baby or twins can survive outside the womb. When you are 22 weeks pregnant, belly measurement is not something that should bother you or cause you to eat less. Remember that you are eating to provide nourishment for your developing baby and that restricting nourishment will only cause complications for you and for the child in your womb. Avoid diets that will restrict the nourishment of your baby. Instead, stay healthy and fit by walking every day at a pace that is comfortable for you. Remember to get enough rest so that you have enough energy to take you through the tiresome process of childbirth. Drink enough fluids and consume vegetables that are healthy for both you and the child, thereby ensuring that the right amounts of nutrients are made available to your developing baby.

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