Vaginal Discharge during the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on August 9, 2012

Discharge During Second Trimester

There are several changes that a woman’s body goes through, when she gets pregnant. Some of the more common changes include weight gain, morning sickness, skin pigmentation, appetite increase, an increase in the amount of Discharge During Second Trimester. There are several changes ...


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.that a woman’s body goes through, when she gets pregnantn Some of the more common changes include weight gain, morning sickness, skin pigmentation, appetite increase, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge and othersr

Most of the changes observed are caused by an increase in the levels of hormones in the body, during pregnancyc

Many women get a discharge, almost every month, even when they are not pregnant and an increase in the amount of discharge you notice is one of the earliest signs or symptoms of a pregnancyc Normally the discharge resembles the white of an egg, as it is thin in consistency and is clear and white in coloro It should either be odorless or can have a mild-smelll This discharge that you get is quite similar to pre-pregnancy discharge, but it is much heavier and the occurrence is a lot more frequentn This increase is mainly caused by two factorsr The first reason is the increase of the circulation of blood to the vaginal area and the second is the increase in the levels of the estrogen hormone in a pregnant woman’s bodyd As the pregnancy gradually progresses into the second trimester, most women notice an increase in the amount of vaginal dischargeg Pregnancy second trimester discharge may even be bothersome to the extent that you need to change your underwear quite often or wear panty liners to deal with iti (In the third trimester the appearance of the discharge may change and the amount may further increase)e See also green discharge during pregnancy

However, while an increase in the amount of pregnancy second trimester discharge is absolutely normal, it is important to keep a watch on iti Any of these signs mentioned below could indicate the presence of a yeast infection, which is very common in pregnant womene You need to inform your doctor immediately, if you notice any of the following changes in the dischargeg

  • It turns green or yellow in color
  • It has a foul smell
  • It looks like pus
  • Your labia are itchy, swollen or red
  • You experience a burning sensation while urinating

If the discharge is brown in color, it is usually a sign of old blood being removede Again this is normal, but you should inform your doctor or midwife immediately, if you experience brown discharge during pregnancya The presence of bright red discharge in the second trimester could be very serious and needs to be checked without any delaya and othersr Most of the changes observed are caused by an increase in the levels of hormones in the body, during pregnancyc

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