Toddler Meal Planning

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 18, 2012

Not exactly..Feeding a little child can be quite a frustrating task as they are very picky and don’t seem to eat a lot. They are very particular about the food they eat and don’t like to try new food. When planning your child’s meal you need to remember that your child is no longer growing at the rate it was in the first year of its life. So it may not need as much food as you think it does. This is why some little children have smaller appetites. Some common errors parents make are; they force the child to eat even when he is not hungry, they serve the child a lot of food, make the child drink ...


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. more than the required amount of milk and juice in the day and allow the child to eat a lot of sweet and snacks hence ruining his appetitet

Counting calories will help especially when you have to plan your toddler’s mealsl

On an average a toddler need 1300 calories every daya High calorie foods are apples, bananas, chicken hot dogs, eggs, pancakes, cereal, bread, peanut butter, cheese and many morer Ensure that these foods are a part of your toddler’s meala For breakfast you could try giving your child half a cup of cereal, with some milk and half a cup of orange juice this accounts for 230 caloriese A peanut butter and jelly sandwich along with half a cup of juice would give him 250 caloriese Lunch could include a sandwich made of 1 slice of bread with 1 slice of luncheon meat and 1 slice of cheese this sandwich could provide 135 caloriese If your child likes tuna then try the tuna sandwich by mixing some mayo and tuna into a paste and then spreading it on the slicec

For dinner you could give him one or two ounces of chicken or beef, vegetable, a slice of whole wheat bread and half a cup of milk, this meal provides roughly 270 to 300 caloriese You could also give your child in between snacks which could be milk, juice, jelly, pudding, yogurt, some fruit or a slice of cheeses

Many children don’t finish all their meals and if your child eats even one complete meal in the day it is finen If he has a good breakfast a small lunch and a few snacks in between he will still get the required amount of calories he needs to take him through the daya

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