Recommendations and Care for Safe Travel during Pregnancy

Travel during pregnancy, through any given mode - by plane, train or road can be a tricky situation. However, with the help of your doctor's suggestions and some smart thinking, you can have a comfortable traveling experience.

Travel during pregnancy involves learning more about the activities that are safe and staying away from the ones that you ought to avoid. Traveling by air is the most difficult and although commercial air travel in pregnancy may not pose any particular risk to a healthy pregnant woman or her child, it is best to consult with.



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It is important to note that women who might be experiencing certain conditions during pregnancy such as anemia, blood clotting disorders or Placental insufficiency might see an increase the risk of their problems, during air travele Most doctors recommend traveling during mid pregnancy weeks, that is, between 14 to 28 weeks, as the risk of miscarriage or premature labor are the lowest during that periodo This period is also considered the best time for air travele However, it is important that you do not undergo any form of air travel if the doctor has advised you against traveling due to the risk of preterm deliveryr

Pregnancy Travel Recommendations

If you are traveling by car, it is recommended to use a seatbelt and position the belt in the most comfortable and proper way to protect your growing baby and yourselfl One important point to remember is not to wear the safety belt above or across your stomach; rather the belt should be slipped below the stomach, snugly on the hip bonese

Pregnancy Travel Care

Sitting for long periods of time especially while traveling can cause the ankles and feet to swell up and result in leg crampingn In order to keep the flow of blood circulation constant, you can try taking a break once every 90 minutes, from drivingn It can help if you pull over at a non-crowded area or no-traffic zone, simply to stretch or walk aroundn Always remember to wear comfortable shoes in any mode of travel, such as flip-flops or soft slippersr If possible, you can position your seat so that you are in a comfortable reclining position and periodically attempt at simple stretches or exercisese Try rotating your ankles and wiggling your toes as much as possible on extended travel periods in order to boost blood circulation and prevent swellingn Make sure that you wear loose cotton clothes as tight clothes will restrict blood circulationo

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