How to avoid baby from sucking thumb?

(May 2, 2012)

It’s a natural instinct in babies to always want something to put in their mouths and what could be more accessible than one’s own thumb? Several parents allow baby thumb sucking, as it seems like a harmless soothing pursuit for their little ones.

Once your toddler gets into the habit of sucking his thumb, it may be a while before he stops. Some kids may quit sucking their thumbs by the time they are 7 or 8 months old, but in most cases, this habit lasts years. Baby thumb sucking is absolutely normal and you should not be overly concerned about it at all.

However, prolonged thumb-sucking could cause your child to develop speech or dental problems. Therefore, it is best that you find a way to keep your little one from developing this habit.

How to avoid your baby from sucking their thumb?

Putting on mittens for your baby is not likely to discourage him from sucking his thumb. Instead, he may just get into the habit of sucking his fist. Sucking is a natural reflex action that babies are born with and most of them learn to put their fingers, fists and thumbs into their mouths even before they are born. This natural urge to suck on things gradually decreases when your toddler is around 6 months old. So you mainly need to keep your baby from developing the habit of sucking his thumb for around 6 months or so. Why don’t you try giving your baby a pacifier for that time?

Sucking on a pacifier will soothe your baby and satisfy his natural instinct. At the same time, you will be able to control and limit the access your baby has to the pacifier. As your baby grows and enters the seventh month, you can give him the pacifier for a smaller period of time each day. Gradually, you can get him to stop using the pacifier completely, within a few weeks. A few things that you should keep in mind about pacifiers include –

  • If you are breastfeeding your baby, make sure that you choose a pacifier that is very soft and flattens out against the roof of your baby’s mouth. While looking for a pacifier, consult your pediatrician and choose one that has been approved by orthodontics.
  • Make sure that there are no strings attached to the pacifier you buy as this could lead to strangulation in infants.
  • Keep the pacifier clean at all times and check for cracks and tears regularly, to avoid any problems.
  • Never coat the pacifier with honey, corn syrup or other such sweeteners are they could lead serious health problems, like food poisoning.

There is no definite way to prevent babies from sucking their thumbs. Your little one may develop this habit in spite of all the efforts you take to avoid it. However, this does not mean that you should just give up and let it continue. Applying foul-tasting or hot substances to your baby’s thumb is a strict no-no as it can be quite dangerous. A few tips for baby thumb sucking that you could try, include –

  • Teach your child to use his hands for other activities, like throwing a ball, playing with a soft toy, waving, clapping and so on.
  • Every time your toddler tries to suck his thumb, distract him by showing him colorful pictures or objects that he tries to grab.
  • During bedtime or a naptime, encourage your child to hold on to a cuddly soft toy.
  • Look for an alternate way that can comfort and soothe your baby.
  • Instead of scolding or criticizing your tiny tot for sucking his thumb, let him know that you are happy when he is not sucking his thumb.

Though thumb-sucking is not a major concern, you can speak with your doctor, if you are worried about this habit in your little one.

Submitted by N on May 2, 2012 at 12:31

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