Can you have a miscarriage at 3 months?

(August 19, 2011)

The initial 3 months of pregnancy are a part of the first trimester, which is one of the most delicate stages of pregnancy. You will be advised to exercise extra caution during this phase, mainly because the risks of miscarriage at 3 months are quite high.

Can you have a miscarriage at 3 months?

In case you are wondering if it is possible to have a miscarriage at 3 months, the answer to that is “Yes”. In fact the risks of a miscarriage are very high in the first trimester of pregnancy, which includes the first 3 months. Studies indicate that almost 15% to 20% of all confirmed pregnancies result in a miscarriage and most of them occur within the first three months. After you enter your 13th week, which is the 4th month, or the second trimester of pregnancy, you are in the “safe” period, as the risks of miscarriage during this phase are as low as 1%.

What can cause a miscarriage at 3 months?

A miscarriage occurs when the fetus does not grow the way it is supposed to and there are several factors that could lead to this. Given below are some of the most common causes of miscarriage at 3 months:

• Chromosomal abnormalities in the baby
• Hormonal imbalances
• Structural problems in the uterus or the cervix
• Disorders of the immune system
• Lack of adequate nutrition
• Bacterial or viral infections
• Medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and thyroid disorders
• Harmful practices like smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs

Unfortunately, most doctors cannot determine the factors that lead to a miscarriage at 3 months, unless they send the fetus for testing. However, this is usually only done in case of repeat miscarriages.

What are the symptoms of miscarriage at 3 months?

There are several different signs and symptoms that could warn you about a miscarriage at 3 months. Some of the most common symptoms that may be evident include:

• Spotting or bleeding from the vagina
• Passing of blood clots and tissue
• Discharge, which is usually pinkish or brownish in color
• Severe back pain
• Abdominal cramps

There are many women who do not experience any of these symptoms in spite of having a miscarriage. They only realize that they have a problem when they go through a routine checkup. This could be very dangerous and should be avoided. In case you notice an absence of normal pregnancy symptoms, like nausea, morning sickness, breast tenderness, food cravings or aversions, and so on, you need to get it checked right away, as this could indicate loss of the pregnancy.

Submitted by N on August 19, 2011 at 01:17

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