what are signs of ectopic pregnancy?

(July 7, 2010)

Ectopic Pregnancy Signs

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious complication that occurs when the embryo is implanted outside the uterine cavity. In most cases, the embryo gets implanted in the fallopian tubes and hence they are commonly referred to as a tubal pregnancy. The implantation can also take place in the cervix, abdomen or ovaries and none of these places possesses the necessary space or the tissue required for the development of the foetus. In time the organ that contains it will burst causing severe internal haemorrhage that can endanger the life of the mother.

Unfortunately an ectopic pregnancy is difficult to diagnose initially because it displays the same symptoms of a normal pregnancy. These common signs include nausea, breast tenderness, vomiting, and a tendency to urinate frequently. An ectopic pregnancy may be symptomized by a sharp stabbing pain in your abdomen, pelvic region, and sometimes in the shoulder and neck region. This is because the rupture that occurs in the case of an ectopic pregnancy can affect certain nerves in the body. In addition to this, the mother may suffer from spotting or bleeding and she may even feel dizzy or faint. She may experience a drop in blood pressure due to the loss of blood. Severe lower back pain can also indicate an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy sometimes occurs when the fertilized egg is unable to work its way into the uterus from the fallopian tube. It may be blocked by an infection or inflammation that has blocked the tube and this is usually caused by diseases like gonorrhoea or Chlamydia. If the mother has had previous surgeries involving the fallopian tubes, the scar tissue formed may cause the blockage. The risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy are if the woman is above the age of thirty five, has a history of ectopic pregnancy, or if she has had previous surgery on the fallopian tube. The intake of medicine in case of infertility to stimulate ovulation can also be a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy. If you have had a history of ectopic pregnancy, consult your doctor before getting pregnant and in case you are already pregnant, ensure that your hormone levels are checked regularly and ultrasound exams are done to avoid complications. With each successive ectopic pregnancy, the chances of its recurrence are higher; hence the mother will have to be carefully monitored if this is the case.

Submitted by P T on July 7, 2010 at 04:13

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