22 and have already suffered 2 miscarriages in 3 years. How can I prevent another possible miscarriage?

(March 23, 2010)

A miscarriage is the term given to a pregnancy that ends before the fetus can survive. Generally, a miscarriage occurs in the 13th week of pregnancy and some women may not even know that they were pregnant when the miscarriage occurs. For instance, a common kind of miscarriage is when the fertilized egg is lost before it embeds itself in the uterus wall. In such a case, the woman concerned may not realize that she had been pregnant. A miscarriage is unlikely during the third trimester of pregnancy and generally occurs during the first two trimesters. There are several factors that may lead to a miscarriage. Certain kinds of infections lead to a miscarriage. For instance, viral infections or chronic illnesses like respiratory disease, chronic nephritis and severe anemia may lead to a miscarriage.

In addition, a miscarriage may occur on account of direct trauma to the abdominal wall. Any accident or injury sustained by the abdominal wall could be fatal for the unborn baby. Emotional disturbances and high stress levels influence uterine activity negatively and consequently lead to a miscarriage. Certain kinds of lifestyle also tend to have a negative influence on pregnancy and can lead to a miscarriage. Excessive consumption of alcohol, nicotine or even caffeine could harm your baby’s life. An unhealthy diet that does not contain adequate amounts of vitamin E or folic acid may also lead to a miscarriage. Other factors influencing miscarriage include environmental toxins, hereditary factors like congenital cervical incompetence and certain kinds of medication. To help prevent a miscarriage, you should thus ensure that you make certain changes in your lifestyle and take a few necessary precautions. Visit your health care specialist to consider the various medical alternatives available  and to assess your uterine health. In addition, you can help prevent a miscarriage with the help of a few simple health tips and home remedies.

Firstly, ensure that you avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine to help protect your unborn child. In addition, ensure that you maintain a regular and healthy diet that is rich in folic acid and vitamin E, among other vital minerals and nutrients that are essential for a pregnancy diet. Avoid exerting yourself physically and mentally when you are pregnant. Ensure that you get adequate rest to help lower stress levels and emotional disturbances that may be harmful for you. Red raspberry helps prevent miscarriages effectively by strengthening the uterus.

Submitted by P T on March 23, 2010 at 11:16

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