How many miscarriages or spontaneous abortions can a woman have in their life?

(February 8, 2010)

Miscarriages are common occurrences that refer to the loss of a baby before having completed twenty weeks of gestation. Miscarriages that occur after the twentieth week are referred to as premature deliveries. Miscarriages occur due to a number of varying reasons, but the most common cause of them is genetic disorders. However, environmental factors and trauma can also cause a miscarriage.

Miscarriages can take place any number of times, but in most cases, after having experienced a miscarriage, the mother is extremely careful when expecting the second child. With the advance in technology, ultra sound technicians and radiologists are able to decipher the gestational growth of the baby, and tell whether growth is normal or slow. When a developing baby displays slow growth rate, the expectant mother will be advised complete bed rest and will also be given a number of supplements and medicines that will help to fortify the baby. So long as the mother is able to conceive, and the reproductive system is functioning normally, there are chances that she can experience a miscarriage because of various factors. The mother’s age and overall well being at the time of pregnancy is another important influence on the safety of the pregnancy.

After a miscarriage, the mother is always advised to wait for a while before trying to conceive again. The break allows the body to recuperate and heal itself from the recent trauma that it has experienced. After having experienced two or three simultaneous miscarriages, a physician will advise the running of medical tests to rule out serious causes before allowing a couple to try conceiving again. Genetic counseling is also advised in order to rule out inherited abnormalities that cause miscarriages. Because of the pain and emotional turbulence involved with the loss of an unborn child, most couples will stop trying to have a child of their own, after having experienced a miscarriage twice or thrice. There have been instances; however, where women have recorded up to six or more miscarriages but have gone on to have a healthy baby after treatment. After having experienced an abortion, no one can be too careful about what they do. Even a little vaginal bleeding that is seen during the first trimester is indicative of a problem with the pregnancy and the utmost care should be taken by the mother to safeguard the life of her unborn child. In the event that there is evident vaginal bleeding, the doctor should be contacted without delay. Consuming fresh, healthy foods is advised, as they avoid upsetting the stomach, which could be traumatic to the pregnancy. Fruits and vegetables are recommended as they contain vitamins and nutrients that protect and strengthen the child within the womb.

Submitted by P T on February 8, 2010 at 11:38

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