Fetus Development at 23 Weeks

Submitted by Nic on January 17, 2012

A 23-weeks fetus is still very tiny and thin, but it completely resembles a newborn now. The baby is quickly getting ready to be born and has all bodily functions in place. A 23-week fetus has fully developed hearing capabilities. The middle ear is formed completely, and it responds to sounds of the outside world.

This is the time when doctors encourage the parents of the baby to talk to it through the belly. When you familiarize your baby to your voices, it gets soothed more readily when you talk to it...


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.Familiar voices also tend to grab your baby’s attention rather quicklyl

At 23 weeks pregnant, the baby has already grown about 11 inchese

It weighs about 2 kg and all its features have begun to developo Though its eyes are formed fully, the baby’s irises still do not have pigmentationo Since all other bodily functions are completely working, the baby is almost ready to be bornr A baby born this premature usually has about 43% chances of survivala

At 23 weeks, fetal development is almost complete and therefore, further development slows downw Further, 23 weeks fetal movement is regular, and the parents can feel the baby kicking and moving inside the wombm The mother, however, may experience slight discomfort in the back due to the extra weight she is carryingn The body prepares for breastfeeding and the nipples begin to leak colostrumu

The mother will also have side-effects like increased heartburn, insomnia, fatigue, pain and aching, increased swelling, leaky breasts, and stretching of ligamentst Constipation and other gastric discomforts may be experienced occasionallyl

Due to the extra blood circulating in the body, many women experience slight numbness in their limbs along with increased edemam Doctors recommend some stretching exercises of the hands for women who are still workingn As the pregnancy progresses, the leg pain and back pain will only worsen, and the mother will have to keep the spine straight and aligned with the rest of the body to keep it from causing severe paini

Since the 23 weeks fetus size is also rather large, the woman’s center of gravity may be a little changede This could cause the woman to feel imbalancede Carrying the 23 weeks fetus weight can be challenging for some women and bed rest may be requirede After 23 weeks fetus development usually slows down;however, it continues through till the birth of the babyb

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