Menstruation After Pregnancy

Submitted by Nic on January 17, 2012

During a pregnancy, the ovulation cycle ceases, thereby allowing the fetus to develop within the mother’s womb. The period during menstruation can cause a woman endless discomfort, and one of the benefits of being pregnant is the fact that the menstrual cycle ceases to exist. Getting used to the idea of menstruation after pregnancy can cause a certain amount of discomfort and distress. The stomach cramps that accompany menses after pregnancy can become unbearable at times and women may seek the assistance of painkillers to deal with the discomfort.


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Menstruation During Pregnancy

After a pregnancy there are a number of discomforts that women have to put up with, the occurrence of a menstrual period being one of them. Heavy menstruation after pregnancy is not uncommon, but you need to inform your gynecologist of the same. After having assessed the extent of your heavy flow, the gynecologist may put you on to some form of medication to reduce the flow.

One of the most probable reasons for experiencing a heavy flow after a pregnancy is the possibility of residue in the womb, which the body is trying to reject. Your gynecologist may also advise you to go in for an ultrasound to rule out any possible growth or residue in the womb.

The first menstruation after pregnancy is a rather distressing time for mothers who have just given birth. Aside from the fact that they are physically worn out after the delivery, a menstrual period further tires them, making them irritable and uncomfortable. During this time, it is advisable that you eat foods that give you enough of energy. Fresh fruits and vegetables are highly recommended for their fibrous content that helps to replenish lost nutrients in the body. Similarly, foods that are rich in proteins help to rebuild the worn out tissues in the body. The consumption of large amounts of water is highly recommended so that the body is cleared of any toxins that may cause you to feel uncomfortable. After having been through the physical exertion of child birth, it is important that a mother get enough rest, so that she is able to face the challenge of looking after a new born baby. In the event that you continue to experience menstrual cramps and vaginal bleeding, it is advisable that you speak with your doctor to seek further clarification and expert medical advice on what could be causing the bleeding.

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