Menstruation During Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on October 22, 2012

Menstruation during pregnancy though an uncommon happening is experienced by some women. Sometimes if a woman conceives close to the date of her next period, she may still menstruate and yet be pregnant. Such occurrences create a lot of confusion in the calculation of the due date of delivery. There could be other causes for menstruation during pregnancy such as an ectopic pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg is implanted within the fallopian tubes instead of the walls of the uterus and this cause bleeding which is very similar to periods.


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This is a dangerous situation as the growing embryo could damage the tube and could be fatal for the mother to be. If there is bleeding with cramping of the abdomen, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Often pregnancies get terminated even before the woman realizes that she is pregnant and subsequent periods appear to be normal.

However, if the pregnancy report is positive and bleeding or cramping happens after this it could be a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. Consulting your care provider if this is happening during the first semester will not help to save your pregnancy, but will ensure that your uterus is cleaned after the miscarriage. The care provider will be able to diagnose the problem which is essential.

Women sometimes face implantation bleeding which occurs when the fertilized egg gets burrowed into the lining of the uterine. This bleeding normally takes place at the time when she would have had her period normally.

Post pregnancy bleeding could also occur because of placenta previa. This could prove to be a serious problem in later pregnancy.

Menstruation during pregnancy symptoms

Menstruation during pregnancy symptoms are bleeding which occurs with morning sickness, tenderness of breasts and nipples (which also become enlarged), the area around the nipples also darkens and the bras seem to fit tighter, urinating often, the belly becomes more prominent and more emotional outbursts. While certain aromas make one feel nausea there is a craving for other foods. In spite of all these pregnancy symptoms there is menstruation and the urine test may also be negative. The surest way to confirm the pregnancy is to do a blood test which will be more accurate. The doctor will find it easier to diagnose the problem once the pregnancy is confirmed. This will also assist the doctor in taking the necessary precautions to safeguard the pregnancy.

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