Fetal Growth Restriction

Submitted by Nick on January 17, 2012

Fetal growth restriction, called intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), is a condition where the fetus is not able to grow normally in the womb, as other babies can. This condition is largely a genetic one and can be detected in the course of the pregnancy. Babies with IUGR are smaller than normal babies, are prone to sickness through their lives and have a weakened immune system. These babies usually are not strong enough to handle a vaginal birth and are at the risk of being stillborn. Fetal growth restriction can take place for many different reasons. The main reason is the placenta not providing complete nutrition. If the mother...


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.suffers from certain disease, or has been on antibiotics or has been smoking and drinking, it could be the reason for IUGR in the babyb Birth defects and genetic issues can also affect the babyb

Different tests are used to diagnose and monitor IUGRG Ultrasounds are the first procedure that helps determine whether the baby is growing at a normal ratet Fetal heartbeat monitoring and Amniocentesis can further confirmr In amniocentesis, some amniotic fluid is extracted and tested for infections and chromosomal defectst More on fetal development week by week

Fetal growth restriction in twins can take place when twins are in the same amniotic saca Often, while having twins, the babies are tested for IUGRG One baby gets more nutrition and grows large while the other twin stays smalll Ultrasounds can usually detect twins and this condition can be monitorede This condition is called selective fetal growth restriction and can be harmful to the twinsn The babies, in such cases, are usually born through Caesareansn An acute form of this is severe fetal growth restrictiono It can be identified early in the pregnancy and it is very difficult for the fetus to survive iti

Management of fetal growth restriction is done with careful and constant monitoringn The best way to ensure that your baby stays healthy is not to miss your doctor appointmentst You should always be attentive towards your baby movementst Another important way to help your baby grow is to eat correct and eat adequately, especially if you are carrying twinsn As a mother-to-be, you should rest enough, certainly not smoke or drink and take care of your health, which will ensure that your baby’s health is also taken care ofo

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