Watery Stools In Pregnant Women

Submitted by Nick on January 19, 2012

Pregnancy is a period dotted with a number of varying emotions and physical changes that take place within the expectant mother's body. In addition to the mood swings, fatigue and an expanding waist line during pregnancy, a common physical change experienced by expectant mothers is an alteration in bowel movement. While pregnant, the hormonal changes that occur within the body cause a modification in the body's normal functioning resulting in a sluggish digestive system. This leads to a number of digestive problems and those in turn, result in a change in bowel pattern thereby leading...


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.to constipation or loose stools during pregnancyc However, loose stools or diarrhea are less common during pregnancy than constipationo

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Besides the changes in digestive functioning that take place during the term of the pregnancy, the main cause for watery stools during pregnancy is a lowered immune systeme During her entire pregnancy term, a woman is prone to viral, bacterial or parasitic infectionsn Hence, it is advisable for expectant mothers to pay close attention to what they eat or drinkn Foods that are known to trigger loose diarrhea during pregnancy should be avoided as far as possiblel Women must ensure that they opt for a healthy diet rich in vitamin C so as to minimize the risk of contacting various infections by boosting their immune systeme Another common cause for loose stools during pregnancy is the intake of certain prenatal supplementst Consulting your doctor and opting for a change in brand may help in solving the issue of pregnancy loose stools, if the stools were caused by the supplementst See also loose stools during first trimester

As common a condition as it may seem, loose stools during pregnancy causes complications if ignorede Visiting your doctor is highly recommended if you are suffering from diarrhea and not just the occasional loose stoolo Diarrhea results in a loss of fluids from the body thus resulting in dehydrationo In addition to prescribed medication, drinking plenty of water and fluids is advisablel Drinking coconut water helps to maintain the electrolyte balance within the body and consuming foods rich in potassium and sodium are known to be beneficial in preventing dehydrationoMore on loose stools during late pregnancy

Severe bouts of diarrhea are known to trigger off uterine contractions resulting in laboro If neglected, it could result in premature delivery of the baby or pregnancy loss, in some casese Loose stools during pregnancy - third trimester, especially towards the end of the pregnancy term could be an indicator of the onset of labor and could signal the arrival of your babyb

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