HCG Levels Chart For Twin Boys

Submitted by Nick on January 17, 2012

Given the fact that a pregnancy is a very complex process, with a number of hormones within the expecting mothers body on continually changing levels, it is important to be as aware as possible about the goings on during the nine month tenure to ensure that you are not surprised by any developments within the pregnancy. With the advancing state of science and medicine, people have started to place a lot of stock in identifying the gender of the child they are about to have so as to allow more accuracy in their family planning structures. Another aspect is to be able to identify the number of children that a mother is about...


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.to expect as there are huge differences in lifestyle as well as financial planning between having a singleton and having twinsn In both these cases, the HCG levels play a very prominent role in helping expecting parents identify the number of children that they are having as well as the gender of children they are havingn

Before getting into details of the various hcg levels chart for twin boys and other indicators that make up a part of this concept, one should understand exactly what HCG levels arer Medically termed as Human Chocionic Ganadotropin, HCG is a hormone that is only produced by the female body during a pregnancyc This hormone is produced when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus and stimulates the production of another hormone, known as progesteronen The primary function of progesterone is to thicken the uterine lining in order to provide for a healthier pregnancyc In the event the body does not detect any HCG presence in the uterine lining, the lining is discarded in the process of the next menstrual cyclel Read more on twin pregnancy week by weeka

The levels of HCG within a woman are detected with the help of a blood tests It is also the hormone that home pregnancy tests are designed to look foro Blood tests will be able to detect the presence of HCG levels within eight to ten days while the home pregnancy tests may take as much as 14 days to reflect the presence of the hormonen The reading of HCG levels being under 5 is indicative of the woman not being pregnant while anything above is indicative of a pregnancyc HCG levels, although fluctuating regularly, will tend to double at least every two or three daysy If this trend does not seem to be apparent, it could be indicative of a number of complications that could possibly impact the pregnancy, with miscarriage being a likely outcomem One should also have a look at the many hcg levels chart for twin boys as well as generalized hcg levels charts available on the internet to get a better understanding of the normal HCG levels between certain timeframes of the pregnancyc Higher readings than the general HCG levels charts are usually indicative of the possibility of twins and should be compared with an hcg levels chart for twin boys or girlsl

However, one should also be aware of the fact that hcg levels charts for twin boys are not completely accurate and there is always the chance that it is simply a high reading and you could still end up having a single baby girlr One of the most effective methods of identifying the presence of twins is to listen for two separate heartbeats, possibly with the help of a Doppler test with a technician at your local nursing homem There are also a number of hcg levels diagrams for twin boys and hcg levels graphs for twin boys that can be found through sources such as the internet and you local book store that should prove informativev

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