Causes of Depression During Pregnancy

Submitted by Nick on January 18, 2012

There are several causes of depression during pregnancy and various factors that may result in the women getting depressed. One of the most common reasons or causes of depression in pregnancy is the change in the levels of chemicals that are supplied to the brain. These chemicals usually play the role of governing ones moods and when they get disrupted they can cause depression.

During pregnancy the body of the woman tends to go through various changes along with a rapid change in the hormones of the body which in turn triggers...


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.a change in the mentioned chemicals in the brain thereby resulting in depressiono Pregnancy and depression may also go hand in hand on account of several other factors which may be psychological, emotional and personal such as death in the family, financial troubles and even stressful life eventst

Some of the common symptoms of depression during pregnancy include excessive feelings of guilt or sadness, irritability that tends to persist or get aggravated, loss of interest in fun activities, lack of a desire to keep oneself engaged in social events, frequent moodiness, persistent fatigue or insomnia which is not normal otherwise etct

Some other causes of depression during pregnancy are women who have a high risk or complicated pregnancy because the added stress that is associated with a tricky pregnancy tends to take a huge toll on the mother thereby resulting in depressionsn Another category of women who are at a high risk of depression are women with a family history or mood related disorders, depression or anxietyt Similarly depression in pregnancy is also observe din women who undergo futility treatment as they feel more anxiety and stress over the health of their baby as compared to regular pregnant mothersr Finally, pregnancy and depression are also synonymous in case the woman has had a previous loss of child or the child has passed away shortly after delivery thereby resulting in anxiety in the mothere

Pregnant women can take several preventive steps to avoid getting depressed during pregnancy which includes first and foremost getting plenty of rest because eat time sit has been observed that lack of sleep itself is sufficient to trigger bouts of depression in the mother to beb Pregnant women are also encouraged to bond with their partner during pregnancy and nurture their relationship so as to prepare for the arrival of their new born child togethere

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