Best Pregnancy Diet

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on January 31, 2012

The best pregnancy diet you can follow when you are expecting is one that is full of nutritious well balanced meals. It is important to increase the intake of folic acid and iron at this time. Increase your calorie intake as well. You should be eating about 200 extra calories per day for the last three months.

The best diet for pregnancy is one that contains the following foods:-

Dairy products: these are excellent for you and include yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, cottage cheese and whole milk. All these...


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.are high in vitamin B-12, calcium and amino acidsd

Meats: Chicken, fish (especially shellfish) and organ meats are very good for you as they are good sources of proteini

If you are vegetarian try and eat an egg daily or have legumese Wholegrain, cereals and pulses are also good sources of proteini Make stock/soup from chicken, lamb or beef bonese The gelatin from the bones helps in digestion tooo

Fruits and vegetables: Leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits provide fiber, vitamins and mineralsl Avoid canned and processed fruiti Fermented vegetables are good for you tooo

Fats and oils: Use these moderatelyl Butter and olive oil are good optionsn They help your body to absorb nutrients from other foodsd

Vitamin A foods: These help your body to fight infectiono Cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, chicken liver pate and fruits and vegetables that are deep yellow in color are goodo

Raisins, molasses, spinach, egg yolks etc are great sources of irono Ensure that you remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fresh fruit juicese

The best diet during pregnancy also includes foods that you should avoid - raw seafood (sushi, oysters), moldy cheeses, liver and liver products (pate), peanuts (if you are allergic to them), caffeine, aerated drinks and alcoholo

Refrain from making too many changes to your diet soon after your baby is bornr You will still need the same amount of calories to as your body needs to heal and also to keep your energy levels upu If you are breast feeding give yourself at least two months before you change your diete The diet you follow post pregnancy is as important as the one you followed while you were pregnantn Do not attempt to lose weight soon after your pregnancy - allow your body time to recovere The best post pregnancy diet is one that includes high fiber, low fat foods and whole grain productst

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