Lifestyle Changes to Implement During Pregnancy

Submitted by Pregnancy and Baby Care team on October 10, 2012

From the moment you find out you are pregnant; your world is turned upside down. The focus is no longer on you but rather on the baby you are carrying. Everything you do is now connected to the baby and how to keep him healthy and safe. To do so there are several lifestyle changes you should make during your pregnancy. You can implement some of these changes even before you conceive to ensure a healthier pregnancy as well.


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  • Just Do It - Pregnancy is not an excuse to become a couch potato. With the exception of women with a high-risk condition, if you have exercised before becoming pregnant, there is no reason why you should not continue doing so until you deliver. Needless to say high-impact and contact sports such as kick-boxing or wall climbing will have to be avoided but activities such as walking, swimming, light aerobics and yoga are all considered safe.

    Consult with your doctor and your trainer to customize an exercise routine that is good for you and your baby. Exercise also helps you reduce stress and keeps a check on your emotions when pregnant. More reasons to start moving! If, however, you have never exercised before your pregnancy, now is not the time to start experimenting. Start off with a low-impact workout that helps keep muscles toned and spirits high and you are off to a good start. As with anything else, moderation is the key to exercising when pregnant. Always drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and if you feel too tired, don't beat yourself up too much. We all have good days and bad and what is important is to try and keep yourself happy.
  • It's Time to Quit - Quitting is not always a bad thing. When you discover you are pregnant (or even before) there are several bad habits that you should drop immediately. Quit smoking and alcohol at the earliest. While there are many who insist that moderate drinking and smoking is not harmful to the baby, there are just as many studies conducted that imply the opposite. There is plenty of research available that indicates the connection between alcohol and smoking and problems such as low birth weight, miscarriages, premature delivery, birth defects and mental retardation. Using recreational drugs when pregnant is also a definite no-no. The bottom line is that it's just not worth the risk.
  • Take a Deep Breath - You may be spending all your time preparing your body for pregnancy but what about prepping your mind as well? It is important to lower stress levels as much as possible when pregnant. While this may be easier said than done, there are constructive options available. One way of channeling your fears is to speak to other mothers. Check with your doctor or clinic about a pregnancy group near you and reach out to others for support. Exercise is another great way to reduce stress and tension. Try out relaxing techniques such as deep breathing and yoga to help you de-stress.
  • Eating for Two is a Myth - And here you were hoping to finally give in to all your food cravings! Am afraid the old adage of eating for two does not apply. Your pregnancy is definitely a time to eat more than usual but this does not mean more of junk food and snacks. You have to change your diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables, add on the whole grains and proteins and keep it balanced. This is the best way to give your baby the best start possible in terms of development and health. Consult with your doctor to make sure you get all the vitamins and minerals from your diet and that your baby's nutritional needs are being met.

When reading through these lifestyle changes you may be overwhelmed. Keep in mind that these are all areas of your life that you have control over. In turn you can make conscious decisions and avoid things that are bad for you and your baby. That said, it is important to keep a perspective on things. Do not overstress the small stuff but keep an eye on the larger goal - that of a healthy pregnancy and an even healthier baby. While some habits may be very hard to break, making these lifestyle changes will ensure that your baby has an excellent start in life.

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