Interesting Things to do When Trying to get Pregnant

Few things that you can try, to make the process of getting pregnant a fun.
Things to try while getting pregnant

You’ve finally decided to get pregnant. You may be flooded with feelings of excitement and happiness along with twinges of anxiety and self-doubt. Pre-conception visits to your doctor, physical and medical tests, and quitting unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking are the basis of planning for a healthy pregnancy. Before you start drawing out ovulation charts and tracking body temperatures, there are a few things you can do to make the process of getting pregnant fun for the both of you.

Take a break: Schedule a weekend off and get out of town. Spending quality time with each other improves intimacy and refreshes any relationship. If you can’t take the weekend off, plan a fun day instead. Enjoy breakfast in bed, switch off the phones and spend time reacquainting yourselves with each other’s lives. Remember you won’t get these sorts of luxuries once the baby is born so make the most of them now.

Healing time: Give each other massages and re-kindle feelings of sensuality. Touching each other’s bodies through massage can change a mood and improve your emotional and physical connection. Massages can also lead to passionate lovemaking, which can only increase your chances of getting pregnant.

First date: Recreate your first date. Try and go back to the same restaurant you first went to. Dress up and wear something sexy. Pretend you are strangers once again and woo each other. Baby-making just got a lot more fun!

Turn to the classics: When baby making is the goal, often the joy and intimacy of lovemaking tends to take a back seat. It’s time to dust off your copy of the kamasutra and make it exciting again. Try different positions to spice things up and keep you coming back for more. After all, the more you try, the better your chances of turning your baby dream into reality.

Get physical: And no we don’t just mean in bed. Start a daily fitness regime with your partner. Take a brisk morning walk together, play a game of tennis, or sign up for a joint aerobics or yoga class. Time spent together can make you closer and the exercise will do wonders for your appearance and your libido. Regular exercise stimulates the sex hormones naturally as well as prepares your body for the next nine months to come.

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