Growth and Development Chart for Your Preschooler

Preschooler growth charts are tools maintained by a doctor and used to evaluate the child's physical growth over a span of time. The doctor will usually mark the child's weight and height and then plot the results on a chart that contains the national averages of children of the same sex and age.

The doctor will hem tell what percentile your child falls in. From the age of two onwards most doctors calculate the BMI or body mass index and this helps determine whether the child is underweight, overweight or has a tendency to become overweight.


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It is important to remember that these percentiles are only a measure to check if your child is growing steadily and as long as the child enjoys a healthy diet, s/he will grow at his/her own pace.

As long as the growth curve in the chart is growing steadily and there are no major dips or spikes, parents need not worry.

Preschooler Growth Charts

Preschoolers' growth and development occur at an alarming rate as they become fairly efficient in dressing themselves up, arranging blocks, speak in words and sentences that are more than 3/4ths understandable and so on. This only improves with time and the child begins to remember nursery rhymes, ask a lot of 'why' questions, and is able to comprehend and look forward to a daily routine as this offers the preschooler a sense of security. The growth and development of preschoolers is both physical and emotional.

The child's motor skills are likely to improve as the child learns to negotiate stairs, skip, hop and jump.

By the age of five the child is likely to be able to walk forwards and backwards quite steadily. As far as emotional growth and development is concerned the child is likely to vacillate between being extremely clingy and refusing to leave your side to an independent negotiation of situations. Being rebellious and on occasion disobedient is part of this growing up process and has to be dealt with fairly and following a consistent pattern. In other words, establishing time outs for three to four minutes every time the child behaves badly will slowly instill in your preschooler the idea that certain kinds of behavior are unacceptable. The child also develops cognitively during this period and can comprehend numbers, size and time but not quite the difference between what is right and wrong. Preschooler growth and development is dependent on a healthy balanced diet and a healthy environment at home and the neighborhood.

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