Can you pump your breast milk after an abortion?

(July 1, 2010)

Pumping Breast Milk Post Abortion

Lactation is a very important part of the pregnancy process because of the fact that it makes up the initial and only food source for the baby once it has been born. Breast milk provides the baby with the essential nutrition and vitamin content required for its growing body. The production of breast milk begins within the mother’s body as soon as she is pregnant even though it is not really required until after the delivery. Some of the more noticeable symptoms that lactation has started include the leakage of a yellowish fluid that is usually followed by painful breast engorgement that is the result of the milk flowing into the breast.  Most women will pump their breasts at this point and the body will produce more milk. However, if the mother does not pump her breasts at this point, the body will usually shut down milk production within a couple of days and the breasts will continue to feel tender and swollen for a number of weeks. In order to make sure that your body is producing the best and most nutritious milk for your baby, make it a point to increase your intake of substances like calcium, protein, iron and vitamins.  

The common misconception is that the body will produce milk only for as long as you are pregnant. Most women assume that, since you are no longer medically pregnant after an abortion, milk production will cease immediately. However, the body takes a little longer to adjust to the change of situation and will continue to produce milk for a while after your abortion. It also helps to know that your hormonal levels are likely to act a little funny as well and could possibly cause you to go in a state of depression, known as the ‘baby blues’. It is highly recommended that you visit your gynecologist in the event you seem to be suffering from some kind of depression. In most cases the condition is treated simply by having someone to confide in rather than the use of medication.  The focus is aimed at getting the patient to attain an objective look at her condition and appreciate the better aspects of her life. It also helps to realize that certain aspects of our lives are completely out of our control, although this may be significantly hard to accept in the heat of the situation. Only in the most extreme cases should the patient be treated with psychotherapy and medication.

Submitted by P T on July 1, 2010 at 02:35

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