when to pump while breastfeeding?

(July 22, 2010)

Pumping While Breastfeeding

Mother’s milk is the most nutritious and recommended feed for an infant. It not only boosts the infant’s immunity but also promotes all round growth and development. Breastfeeding also helps in strengthening the bond between mother and child. However, at certain times, it is not possible to breastfeed a child. This mainly stands true when a mother has to go back to work after a maternity break or is unable to produce enough milk to meet the baby’s demands. Sometimes, a baby is not able to latch on to the mother’s nipple properly and finds it very difficult to suck. Hence, the baby’s nutritional requirements are not met. It may be difficult to breastfeed at social gatherings or while traveling as well. A breast pump is the answer to such problems.

A breast pump helps in extracting milk from a lactating woman’s breasts. These pumps are either manually or electrically operated. A proper breast pumping schedule is recommended so as to make the process easier, faster and less uncomfortable. Once a routine is set, the body gets tuned to the scheduled time and the flow of milk gets regulated accordingly. The best time to pump the breasts is in a short interval after the baby finishes with her first feed for the day. The baby’s intake will determine how much milk is to be pumped and the number of times pumping is needed. Usually women pump just enough to meet the baby’s requirement for the period that she will be away or for the period that breastfeeding the baby will not be possible. The extracted milk can be stored for approximately a week in a milk bottle when refrigerated and for up to eight hours at room temperature. However, this also depends on the weather. It is advisable not to switch completely to pumping the breasts as the baby needs the warmth and proximity of breastfeeding. Besides, giving your baby fresh milk instead of stored milk is a better option. In the case of women who produce milk in excess, the pumping schedule will also depend on the amount of milk production.   

Being comfortable and stress free when pumping the breasts will help to quicken the process. Applying a little vegetable oil to the nipples will prevent chaffing and draw the nipple properly into the suction pad. Leaning forward and pumping both breasts simultaneously will help to enhance the flow of milk.  

Submitted by P T on July 22, 2010 at 04:19

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