How many weeks is your third trimester of pregnancy?

(February 2, 2010)

The final trimester of pregnancy lasts for about 13-14 weeks, starting with week 28. This is when the baby is reaching the final stages of development including such minute details such as eyelashes. As the baby makes his/her presence felt, the expecting mother will experience various physical changes as well.

For some mothers this may result in leakage from the breasts due to the heightened levels of colostrum, which is a sign that the production of breast milk is healthy and ample. In some situations there may be a risk for the expecting mother to become anemic. This can be avoided by maintaining a healthy diet in the earlier and current stages of the pregnancy. Some mothers-to-be may experience heartburn. This happens due to the fact a lot of space is now occupied by the well-developed baby. Some recommendations to ease the discomfort of this wonderfully trying time could include eating many meals a day. Make sure that all meals are smaller in portion size and well balanced. A healthy intake of water offsets a number of effects of heartburn or acidity. Sleeping on the side (left side is recommended) helps make sure that blood supply to various important areas is not impeded.

Another sign of a healthy development is that starting in the first quadrant of the final trimester, an expecting mother could gain up to 1 pound every week. The gait of the mother to be may change to a softer ‘waddle’ as the pelvis readies itself for birthing. As the baby continues to grow it may push against the ribcage and cause some soreness. A gentle massage to the area along with some soft words to the baby may lead to a movement away from the area and ease the discomfort.

The conventional stereotype of an expecting mother rushing to the bathroom at any possible moment may well apply in this period as the baby continues to press against sensitive areas. To enjoy a good night’s rest a mother-to-be could try pelvic tilts or other recommended exercises just before bed. Other gentle physical activity such as strolling, swimming or gentle yoga could also relieve discomfort. It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy food rich in fiber. This obviates the chances of constipation and other attending issues such as acidity, bloating, and even nausea. Any pregnancy exercise such as the Kegel exercises should be continued with as these will strengthen the pelvic muscles and ensure a smooth and safe delivery. As this, a crucial time in the life of a mother-to-be, it is not unusual for some mothers to experience emotional changes as well. Instead of worrying about shifts in moods that appear out of the blue, it is best to accept them and indulge in deep breathing or gentle yoga exercises to calm both the body and the mind.

Submitted by P T on February 2, 2010 at 09:48

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