Articles :: Baby Growth

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5 Month Baby Milestones
  • 5 Month Baby Milestones The term "baby milestones" refers to the various punctuations and achievements that mark a baby's growth and development. They are...
  • List of 7 Month Baby Milestone Your baby will reach several milestones by the time he is 7 months old. Some of these 7 month baby milestones are:-Communication: Your baby might...
  • 8 Month Baby Milestones Baby milestone mark various accomplishments and one of the most significant 8 month baby milestones is crawling. However, not all babies are...
  • 9 Month Baby Milestones Observing the baby milestones that your child reaches can be one of the most enriching experiences in life. Babies are always on the go as they are...
  • The Perfect 10th Baby Milestone The nine enduring months of pregnancy seem fulfilling the very first time you hold your baby in your hands and from then on, every moment with your...
  • 11 Month Baby Milestones Characterized by Vocal Development Developmental milestones are certain skills or tasks that an average child will be able to perform at a certain age. Most pediatricians use these...
  • 14 Month Baby Milestones A baby's growth and development will be quite rapid and dramatic during the first year of his life. While some changes are completely...
  • 13 Month Baby Milestones It seems as if it was only yesterday that your baby could barely crane its neck to look around, but he/she is now capable of a lot more than just...
  • 15 Month Baby Milestones - A Discovery of New Abilities The happiness that parents get when they see their baby smile for the first time, walk or say mom and dad cannot be compared to anything in the...
  • An Exciting Time in Parenthood - 16 Month Baby Milestones The presence of a baby can truly change lives. As busy as parents may be, they always take time to monitor the baby milestones that their child has...
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