Fetal Development and Complication during 31st Week of Pregnancy With Twins

Submitted by Nic on August 13, 2012

If you are 31 weeks pregnant with twins, you are probably eagerly looking forward to the day when your babies will come into the world. You will also be quite huge by this time as you are gaining weight every week. At 31 weeks pregnant with twins weight gain is usually somewhere between 27 and 30 pounds. The extra weight that you put on during the third trimester may also result in bouts of aggravated pregnancy symptoms such as back pain, tiredness, heartburn and constipation. Here is some more information on what to expect at 31 weeks pregnant with twins.


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Since you are now in your third trimester, it is heartening to know that your twins have a high chance of survival if they were to be born now. However the last few months are also crucial as during this time too your babies will undergo further development. Twins tend to be born earlier and are fully prepared for delivery at 37 weeks.

At 31 weeks pregnant with twins, fetal development continues to take place rapidly. Your babies will gain in weight, muscles and bone mass. Their fat stores will also increase and this will help to balance their body temperature after birth. In the third trimester, there are differences in the growth of singleton babies and twins. Twins tend to experience slower growth because there is less space in the uterus. Both twins also rarely weigh the same at birth.

At 31 weeks pregnant with twins certain complications that can occur include preterm delivery. This often occurs due to the space limitations inside the uterus. Studies indicate that almost 60 percent of twins are born before term. Usually they are born at around week 35. Due to the increased risk of premature delivery, mothers carrying twins should be aware of any possible signs of preterm labor. These signs include cramps that may mimic menstrual cramps, abdominal cramps, lower back pain, severe fatigue, contractions that come every ten minutes and discomfort in the pelvic region. Women carrying twins may also have to deliver through cesarean section if the babies are not lying in the correct position. A vaginal delivery is possible only if both twins are lying in the head down position. In some cases, one twin may be in the normal birthing position, but the other may be lying in a sideways or upwards position. This poses a problem for a vaginal birth.

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